December 03, 2007
September 19, 2007
Hidup dalam kehidupan ku
Ketika di tanya ,
Sedang apa kamu saat ini?
SIbuk..................... KErja................... TIdur.............. kerja kembali
TAk adakah yang lain dalam kehidupan kamu?
TIDAK ADA..............
Karena KEHIDUPAN ku sudah penuh dengan apa yang aku ingin kan
Yakin sudah PENUH?
TENTU saja....................
SEMUA yang di ingin sudah ku dapatkan
KEluarga...................... aku punya keluarga
PEkerjaan.................... cukup membuat anak ku bangga dengan penghasilan yang ku peroleh
Apa yang tidak ku punyai?
BIla ditanya kembali dan di pikir kembali.....................
MAnusia mana yang puas akan apa yg dimiliki saat ini?
Tapi bila di banding................. ku CUKUP PUAS
Walau ada saat tertentu ingin LEBIH dalam KEHIDUPAN KU
Ada waktu ingin punya lebih dari saat ini.........tapi tidak terlalu ingin pula.
Heran. benarkah.................. sudah CUKUP ?
ATAU.................. tidak ada lagi keinginan?
Sedang apa kamu saat ini?
SIbuk..................... KErja................... TIdur.............. kerja kembali
TAk adakah yang lain dalam kehidupan kamu?
TIDAK ADA..............
Karena KEHIDUPAN ku sudah penuh dengan apa yang aku ingin kan
Yakin sudah PENUH?
TENTU saja....................
SEMUA yang di ingin sudah ku dapatkan
KEluarga...................... aku punya keluarga
PEkerjaan.................... cukup membuat anak ku bangga dengan penghasilan yang ku peroleh
Apa yang tidak ku punyai?
BIla ditanya kembali dan di pikir kembali.....................
MAnusia mana yang puas akan apa yg dimiliki saat ini?
Tapi bila di banding................. ku CUKUP PUAS
Walau ada saat tertentu ingin LEBIH dalam KEHIDUPAN KU
Ada waktu ingin punya lebih dari saat ini.........tapi tidak terlalu ingin pula.
Heran. benarkah.................. sudah CUKUP ?
ATAU.................. tidak ada lagi keinginan?
September 18, 2007
make love with me
Me................. YOu
Come from diffrent place and never meet before
We.................... in friendship
feel each other
I have asking you before
how you like to be with me and always with me
You say....................coz i always be my self
Never be other
I always say out for what i want and what i feel
i dont ask you to love me
just make love with me
Thank for have make love with me
MIssing you much this time
August 29, 2007
MEnulis yang terbaru
Lama ga da berita yach?
Kemana saja?
Apa yang terjadi?
Berita? tentu saja ada berita cuma............... tak ada berita terbaru...
Ga pergi kemana-mana.TETAP berdiri disini karena belum ada tempat baru yang dapat di kunjungi. Atau boleh berkunjung ke tempat kamu?
Sampai hari ini semua kejadian yang terjadi belum ada yang spesial......... MAsih seperti biasa. Masih dgn kebiasaan lama................ JATUH CINTA dan PATAH HATI kembali...... berduka.............. lalu tertawa lagi. kelelahan lalu tertidur kembali.
Sampai hari ini masih seperti ini dan tetap akan seperti ini ................
Semangat yach !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kemana saja?
Apa yang terjadi?
Berita? tentu saja ada berita cuma............... tak ada berita terbaru...
Ga pergi kemana-mana.TETAP berdiri disini karena belum ada tempat baru yang dapat di kunjungi. Atau boleh berkunjung ke tempat kamu?
Sampai hari ini semua kejadian yang terjadi belum ada yang spesial......... MAsih seperti biasa. Masih dgn kebiasaan lama................ JATUH CINTA dan PATAH HATI kembali...... berduka.............. lalu tertawa lagi. kelelahan lalu tertidur kembali.
Sampai hari ini masih seperti ini dan tetap akan seperti ini ................
Semangat yach !!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 17, 2007
When love beckons to you,follow him,though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you belive in him,though his voice may shattter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.
For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for you growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascend to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.
Like sheaves of corn he gathers you into himself
He threshes you to make you naked
He sifts you to free you from husks
He grinds you to whiteness
He kneads you until you are pliant
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire,that you may become sacred bread for God's acred feast.
All this things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart and it that knowledge become a fregment of Life's heart.
But if in your fear you would seek only lve's only peace and love's pleasure, Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing florr, into the seasonless wolrd where you shall laught,but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.
Love gives naught but it self and takes naught but from it self
Love passesses not nor would it be possessed
For love is sufficient unto love
When you love ,you should not say."God is in my HEART,: but rathers, " i am in the heart of GOD. "
And think not you can direct the course of love,for love,if it finds you worthy,direct your course .
How i miss you
Dear...... LOve
there's nothing to say to let you know
how i miss you in my days
I live but have no life
June 20, 2007
Selamat tuk Annie ku tersayang
yang lulus dengan nilai terbaik di sekolah dan dapat piala untuk prestasi nya.
Selamat yach MANIS............
yang lulus dengan nilai terbaik di sekolah dan dapat piala untuk prestasi nya.
Selamat yach MANIS............
What happened
What a FUCKING days !!!!!!!!!!
I do trust to you
But why you never tell me the truth?
DAMM !!!!!!!!!
FUCKING days !!!!!!!!!!
FEEL that get on play again by this feeling
KEEP goin ON.............
I try to trust my feeling
I do trust to you
But why you never tell me the truth?
DAMM !!!!!!!!!
FUCKING days !!!!!!!!!!
FEEL that get on play again by this feeling
KEEP goin ON.............
I try to trust my feeling
June 12, 2007
TUnggu aku kembali
bila kah aku tertidur dan kau tetap di samping ku?
Ingin nya aku kembali tertidur
Dalam peluk wangi harum tubuh mu
Betapa merindu aku
akan kehadiran mu memberi ku semangat dengan kecup di kening ku
BUnda, masih ingat kah?
Setiap usai senja , kau menenami ku bermain bola?
Bunda, masih ingat kah?
KAu tergesah mencari tangga mencari ku di atap rumah?
tahu kah kau bagaimana aku mencari jalan PULANG?
mengikuti wangi harum tubuh dan hangat kecup yang kau beri disetiap pagi ku
TAk ada hadiah yang dapat ku beri sebagai tanda terima kasih
HARAP............... kau selalu ada untuk ku sampai aku kembali
" Hallo................ selamat sore Bu........... LIly"
" GEnit ach...................... iseng aja " Begitu jawab wanita cantik di seberang telepon.
" Ibu Lily memang cantik KOK !!!!!!! apa lagi klo soal masak ............. NOMOR SATU "
Itu semua benar ada nya kok............. ANDA perempuan yang paling saya CINTA, selain putri saya sendiri .
Ingat ketika ku ingin tertidur dalam peluk mu?
Kau berkata......... suatu hari kita pasti akan jauh terpisah..........
Itu benar terjadi............. aku disini dan kau disana.......... SENDIRI
Ingat kah ketika kau berkata................. aku adalah pundak untuk kau bersandar
KU berkata.......... dan berjanji................. aku akan selalu ada untuk kau setiap kau LELAH
Tapi kenyataan nya............... aku lach yang membuat kau LELAH............ HATI
PErempuan cantik dengan tawa khas nya..............
Perempuan cantik dengan ketabahan nya..............
MAsih ku ingat ketika kau terluka oleh LELAKI mu...............
KAu berkata............ hancur kah hidup kita bila LELAki mu berlalu?
Ku dengan sombong berkata ................
" JAngan TAKUT.................... kau masih ada AKU............"
AKU........................ yang akan berusaha untuk membuat kau kembali tersenyum
Aku...................... yang walau jauh........ tetapi ada ANAK-ANAK ku yang menemani mu
PErempuan cantik yang tangan HALUS nya menjadi KASAR
Perempuan cantik yang semula bersolek... menjadi KUSAM
PErempuan cantik itu............................ IBU ku
" GEnit ach...................... iseng aja " Begitu jawab wanita cantik di seberang telepon.
" Ibu Lily memang cantik KOK !!!!!!! apa lagi klo soal masak ............. NOMOR SATU "
Itu semua benar ada nya kok............. ANDA perempuan yang paling saya CINTA, selain putri saya sendiri .
Ingat ketika ku ingin tertidur dalam peluk mu?
Kau berkata......... suatu hari kita pasti akan jauh terpisah..........
Itu benar terjadi............. aku disini dan kau disana.......... SENDIRI
Ingat kah ketika kau berkata................. aku adalah pundak untuk kau bersandar
KU berkata.......... dan berjanji................. aku akan selalu ada untuk kau setiap kau LELAH
Tapi kenyataan nya............... aku lach yang membuat kau LELAH............ HATI
PErempuan cantik dengan tawa khas nya..............
Perempuan cantik dengan ketabahan nya..............
MAsih ku ingat ketika kau terluka oleh LELAKI mu...............
KAu berkata............ hancur kah hidup kita bila LELAki mu berlalu?
Ku dengan sombong berkata ................
" JAngan TAKUT.................... kau masih ada AKU............"
AKU........................ yang akan berusaha untuk membuat kau kembali tersenyum
Aku...................... yang walau jauh........ tetapi ada ANAK-ANAK ku yang menemani mu
PErempuan cantik yang tangan HALUS nya menjadi KASAR
Perempuan cantik yang semula bersolek... menjadi KUSAM
PErempuan cantik itu............................ IBU ku
June 06, 2007
'Biep........................ Biep................. '
Siapa sech yang iseng tengah malam kirim SMS ?
Karena sudah terbangun.............. yach di tengok lach isi SMS nya
" CC. udah bobo lom?............ tadi ita tlp ke rumah. Trus mama srh tanya ke CC klo si bungsu da bagi2 cerita ga klo dia gi ngapain sekarang?........... Klo ga salah udah berapa hari ini keluar rumah jam 2 malam. "
BUset............... tengah malam SMS ke gw cuma tanya yg aneh gini ?
Ga tau apa klo gi enak2 nya tidur untung lom MIMPI indah :D............. he he he he he
Klo di pikir.... lucu juga...........
Bayangin.................. GW ma ade gw beda umur jauh bngt klo ga salah ampir 12 THN beda nya. Seingat gw waktu gw seumur dia...... udah kerja nyari DUIT maklum................ klo ga salah ingat juga Umur 13 thn gw udah rajin jalan MALAM :)).............. udah pinter ngerokok juga MINUM :D................ CUMA... gw itu ga pake ngumpet2 di belakang ORTU............... santai aja gw ngerokok di DEPAN ORTU.
JElas sampe sekarang................ ORTU ntu santai aja sama apa yg mo GW lakuin. karena GW ga suka ngumpet2 dan GA BAKAL GW NYESEL sama apa yg gw lakuin................ IT"S MY CHOICE.
NYokap pernah.............. mpe ngerante gw di PAGAR rumah cuma karena...GW GILA bngt klo mo jln keluar MALAM . Trus GW bilang aja............SANTAI MOM!!!!!!! GW tau kok sampe mana BATAS an nya .
Klo di ingat UMUR MUDA gitu............... pengen juga kita balik ke masa SE umur an itu............. ANAK co mach klo keluar malam itu AMAN lach............ JADi MAma santai saja lach........... itu yg gw ucap di TLP ke esokan hari nya .
JADI. PERCAYA lach................... beri KEPERCAYAAN
Klo ga bisa di PERCAYA........ yg rugi kan dia sendiri................. HILANG KEPERCAYAAN
Yang pasti................. TAHU BATAS
Siapa sech yang iseng tengah malam kirim SMS ?
Karena sudah terbangun.............. yach di tengok lach isi SMS nya
" CC. udah bobo lom?............ tadi ita tlp ke rumah. Trus mama srh tanya ke CC klo si bungsu da bagi2 cerita ga klo dia gi ngapain sekarang?........... Klo ga salah udah berapa hari ini keluar rumah jam 2 malam. "
BUset............... tengah malam SMS ke gw cuma tanya yg aneh gini ?
Ga tau apa klo gi enak2 nya tidur untung lom MIMPI indah :D............. he he he he he
Klo di pikir.... lucu juga...........
Bayangin.................. GW ma ade gw beda umur jauh bngt klo ga salah ampir 12 THN beda nya. Seingat gw waktu gw seumur dia...... udah kerja nyari DUIT maklum................ klo ga salah ingat juga Umur 13 thn gw udah rajin jalan MALAM :)).............. udah pinter ngerokok juga MINUM :D................ CUMA... gw itu ga pake ngumpet2 di belakang ORTU............... santai aja gw ngerokok di DEPAN ORTU.
JElas sampe sekarang................ ORTU ntu santai aja sama apa yg mo GW lakuin. karena GW ga suka ngumpet2 dan GA BAKAL GW NYESEL sama apa yg gw lakuin................ IT"S MY CHOICE.
NYokap pernah.............. mpe ngerante gw di PAGAR rumah cuma karena...GW GILA bngt klo mo jln keluar MALAM . Trus GW bilang aja............SANTAI MOM!!!!!!! GW tau kok sampe mana BATAS an nya .
Klo di ingat UMUR MUDA gitu............... pengen juga kita balik ke masa SE umur an itu............. ANAK co mach klo keluar malam itu AMAN lach............ JADi MAma santai saja lach........... itu yg gw ucap di TLP ke esokan hari nya .
JADI. PERCAYA lach................... beri KEPERCAYAAN
Klo ga bisa di PERCAYA........ yg rugi kan dia sendiri................. HILANG KEPERCAYAAN
Yang pasti................. TAHU BATAS
June 04, 2007
About Him
He ,
i meet in this years
I want to be in my real
Always disappear
Make me look fool
have name SAm
Hi , SAm..................
Know why i write about you?
Coz some one feel get be fool by you.
She get crazy to know............... is you really want her or NOT
Sam.............. hope u see this letter
She do want u to know, that she will try her best for you
PUCING.................... kenapa kok bisa-bisa nya ikutan PUSING ....................
Ha ha ha ha ha lama ga posting nech
posting nya AMBURADUL...........
BTW.....tetep jadi PEJUANG HIDUP nech...........
walau hari makin terasa SESAK saja tuk di lalui!!!!!!!!
May 12, 2007
Lupa atau sengaja?
"Biep............ Biep.......... "
Ada SMS masuk dengan nomor " My Annie"
" Kaya na da yg lupa nech klo besok da yang ULTAH.
Hati-hati loch , klo LUPA ..... soal nya yg ULTAH itu Kung-kung "
BUset.................. Asli lupa
" Sorry , MAnis.............. Asli lupa. Hari ini tanggal berapa saja ,ga di ingat.
Apalagi hari yang belum datang? Jangan sampai Kung-kung tau yach.......
Klo da yg lupa sama ULTAH nya "
Entah berapa lama................ atau seprti nya memang ga suka untuk melihat ,
atau takut untuk tahu . Kalau ternyata HARI sudah lewat jauh dari yg kita rasa.
Apa saja yang sudah di lakukan di HARI yang terlewat?
Sepertinya ...........TIDAK ADA
Hari yang terlewat.............. cuma terisi oleh........... RINDU
tak ada yg di beri cuma DOA tuk kesehatan Papa saja. Tunggu klo gw udah............. BUANYAK DUIT ( ga tahu kapan bnyk nya.............ada jg bnyk HUTANG........ hehehehehehehe)
Ada SMS masuk dengan nomor " My Annie"
" Kaya na da yg lupa nech klo besok da yang ULTAH.
Hati-hati loch , klo LUPA ..... soal nya yg ULTAH itu Kung-kung "
BUset.................. Asli lupa
" Sorry , MAnis.............. Asli lupa. Hari ini tanggal berapa saja ,ga di ingat.
Apalagi hari yang belum datang? Jangan sampai Kung-kung tau yach.......
Klo da yg lupa sama ULTAH nya "
Entah berapa lama................ atau seprti nya memang ga suka untuk melihat ,
atau takut untuk tahu . Kalau ternyata HARI sudah lewat jauh dari yg kita rasa.
Apa saja yang sudah di lakukan di HARI yang terlewat?
Sepertinya ...........TIDAK ADA
Hari yang terlewat.............. cuma terisi oleh........... RINDU
tak ada yg di beri cuma DOA tuk kesehatan Papa saja. Tunggu klo gw udah............. BUANYAK DUIT ( ga tahu kapan bnyk nya.............ada jg bnyk HUTANG........ hehehehehehehe)
Ingin ku......
Minggu ini terasa sepi lagi
Kita terpisah jauh,
bukan oleh jarak atau waktu
Ingat ketika terakhir bertemu?
tangan mu erat memeluk ku
bisikmu " aku ingin kamu ada disetiap hari ku"
Aku ingin..... "kamu selalu ada walau tak bersama ku"
Kita terpisah jauh,
bukan oleh jarak atau waktu
Ingat ketika terakhir bertemu?
tangan mu erat memeluk ku
bisikmu " aku ingin kamu ada disetiap hari ku"
Aku ingin..... "kamu selalu ada walau tak bersama ku"
April 28, 2007
Why are these tears in your eyes, my child?
How horrid of them to be always scloding you for nothing?
YOu have stained your finger and face with ink while writting-
is that why they call you dirty?
O, fie! WOuld they dare to call the full moon dorty becaouse is has smudged its face with ink?
FOr every little trifle they blame you, my child.
They are ready to find fault for nothing.
YOu tore your clothes while playing-
is that why they call you untidy?
O,fie! What would they call an auntumn morning that smiles through its ragged clouds?
Take no heed of what they say to you,my child.
They make a long list of your misdeeds
Every onr know how you love sweet things-
is that why they call you greddy?
O,fie! What then would they call US WHO LOVE YOU?
The Crescent Moon By Rabindranath TAgore
April 21, 2007
Beberapa hari ini... ada sebuah arti baru dalam keseharian gw. Arti seorang TEMAn, yang baru di kenal belum lama ini. Teman gw satu ini.......... dewasa bngt............. TUA malah iya ............Hehehehehe. Enak di ajak bicara, bagi erita ato apa gitu. Dan waktu gw pikir............ NI orang kejam bngt ........... SENANG SIRAM AIR DINGIN...........
Di minggu yang lalu. dia HILANG tanpa KABAR........... gw SMS ga di balas, di tlp ga di angkat. Akhir nya dia tlp balik, dan ngasih kabar klo dia da di rumah sakit. GW pikir. maklum udah TUA pasti gampang kena FLU ( maklum cuaca srng bikin pusing kepala ntar panas ntar dingin, Akhir NYA jadi PANAS DINGIN beneran.... hahahahahahaha).
DIa ngasih kabar yg buat gw ga bisa makan dan tidur enak selama seminggu ini . DIa kena KANKER USUS. Yang benar aja... orang dia rajin makan sayuran gitu kok bisa kena kanker usus? LAh gw gimn ?............. ( ga suka makan sayur......... penggemar DAGING)
Sejak dia bilang gitu.. gw ikutan pusing, krn kan dokter cuma bilang SEPERTI NYA KANKER USUS. Perlu test lbh akurat untuk kepastian nya. Dan semingu ini dia di hospital cuma tuk tau klo itu bnr kaner ato bukan. HASIL nya turun kemarin sore............ POSITIF.............
MANA MUNGKIN..................
Karena dia, gw ikutan PANIK dgn KESEHATAN gw sendiri................. TAKUT BNGT KLO TERNYATA GW PUNYA BNYK PENYAKIT. Bayangin aja udah seram............. pa lagi klo bnran gw jg da SAKIT.................
GIMN klo aku SAKIT dan MATI?
JAdi ingat lagu nya UNGU...........
ANDAI ku tahu................. akan tiba ajal ku
KU akan memohon. TUHAN tolong panjangkan UMUR ku
Di minggu yang lalu. dia HILANG tanpa KABAR........... gw SMS ga di balas, di tlp ga di angkat. Akhir nya dia tlp balik, dan ngasih kabar klo dia da di rumah sakit. GW pikir. maklum udah TUA pasti gampang kena FLU ( maklum cuaca srng bikin pusing kepala ntar panas ntar dingin, Akhir NYA jadi PANAS DINGIN beneran.... hahahahahahaha).
DIa ngasih kabar yg buat gw ga bisa makan dan tidur enak selama seminggu ini . DIa kena KANKER USUS. Yang benar aja... orang dia rajin makan sayuran gitu kok bisa kena kanker usus? LAh gw gimn ?............. ( ga suka makan sayur......... penggemar DAGING)
Sejak dia bilang gitu.. gw ikutan pusing, krn kan dokter cuma bilang SEPERTI NYA KANKER USUS. Perlu test lbh akurat untuk kepastian nya. Dan semingu ini dia di hospital cuma tuk tau klo itu bnr kaner ato bukan. HASIL nya turun kemarin sore............ POSITIF.............
MANA MUNGKIN..................
Karena dia, gw ikutan PANIK dgn KESEHATAN gw sendiri................. TAKUT BNGT KLO TERNYATA GW PUNYA BNYK PENYAKIT. Bayangin aja udah seram............. pa lagi klo bnran gw jg da SAKIT.................
GIMN klo aku SAKIT dan MATI?
JAdi ingat lagu nya UNGU...........
ANDAI ku tahu................. akan tiba ajal ku
KU akan memohon. TUHAN tolong panjangkan UMUR ku
April 15, 2007
The Gift
IWANT to give you something my child,for we
are drifting in the stream of the world.
Our lives will be carried apart, and our love forgotten.
BUt i am not so foolish as to hope that i could buy
your heart with my gifts.
Young is your life, your path long, and you drink the love we bring you at one draught and turn and run away from us.
You have your play and your playmates. What
harm is there if you have no time or thought for us.
We. indeed, have leisure enough in old age to count the days that are past, to cherish in our hearts what our hands have lost for ever.
The river runs swift with a song breaking through all barries. but the mountain stays and remembers, and follows her with his love
di ketik ulang dari buku THE CRESCENT MOON byRabindranath Tagore.
gi asik sama buku bacaan baru :)) gw pikir ini enak tuk di bagi-bagi ............ masih banyak prase yg bagus2 tuk gw ketik ulang disini :D..............
April 03, 2007
Apa yach sebenar nya yang di perlukan dalam mengambil tindakan? MEmandang masalah itu dari sudut pandang kita atau dari sudut pandang orang lain? Untuk menuntaskan dan mengambil tindakan seperti nya kita mengulur-ulur waktu............. tanpa tahu kapan harus di akhiri. walau tahu akan jawaban nya............. yg pasti. kedua belah pihak akan SAKIT HATI.
March 25, 2007
Hehehehehehehe.............. lama ga ngetik-ngetik, sejak ..........Hmm..... LUPA. Maksud ngetik-ngetik nya yach itu cerita-cerita ttg 'GW' sendiri............. bukan ttg org lain. Tahun ini paling menjengkelkan............... MASA THR gw cuma dpt lebih 5000 Nt saja.. KETERLALUAN!!!!!!!!!!!! Belum pernah di gebukin di depan STATION KERETA kali nech ORg satu ................. ( Saking jengkel nya gw ajak2 teman nangkring mo ................ JITAKIN Org yg tak berperasaan sprt ini). SAntai.......................... cuma pengen doang KOK.................. Tapi klo masih keterlaluan sama GW........... AWAS lo .................... pasti BENER GW JITAK.
YAng buat keterlaluan itu cuma HAL SEPELE............ DI kertas slip gaji dia NULIS.............. Perusahaan ( pdhal mach............ dia sendiri yg berpendapat begitu) tidak bisa menerima KELAKUAN gw yg tidak baik...................... ( apa yg terjadi?............... GW kan ANAK MAMA yg PLG baik :D.............. Hehehehehehehe)
ASli...................... klo kerja mang gw kan BEBAS... soal nya yg gw kerjaain kan ga bisa di PASANG waktu. GIla apa klo repair mesti di patokin waktu................. lagian Hehehehehe. gw seneng bngt klo kerja sambil denger MUSIC....... udah gitu seneng bngt................... MEmberi pendapat GILA......... yg menurut gw itu WAJAR.................. yg GILA mach.............. ORANG TAIWAN ........ hahahahahahahahahaha..................... HERAN disini kerja paling AMAM itu dgn cara MENJILAT ................ ( gw bukan type PENJILAT............... tapi PENGGIGIT ................ hahahahahaha) .......... Wuichhhhhhhhhh.................
Ntu orang pendidikan jg ga tamat SMA... cuma karena dia rajin bngt ngejilatin BOss , dlm setahun doang jadi MAnajer di t4 gw...................... mana langsung lupa DARATAN lagi......... DI setiap saat dia omong dia mengingatkan kita-kita klo sekarang dia yg berkuasa tuk memeberi perintah ................... Hahahahahaha........ Mpe cape dia omong jg ga bakalan gw DENGER !!!!!!!! .......
Klo masih dongkol bngt ..... asli pengen banget gw JITAK dia di depan staiton ................ bareng ma anak2 nongkrong .......Hahahahahaha.. DENDAM. Btw......... menurut co worker gw... gw itu orang yg PENUH dgn KESABARAN.................. kok bisa-bisa nya gw pengen JITAK ntu org?............. Hehehehehe. klo sama KERJAan gw pasti sabar kerjanya................... gimn mo HURRY?.................. yang di kerjaain jg bukan enak kok :))....................... ( Ayo................. coba tebak kerja apa yg enak di kerja kan dengan SABAR? ............. Ngelirik Ir................ PLg kerja dari kantor ,di rumah MASIH KERJA jg ga?).
Tapi klo berurusan dengan MANUSIA dan HUBUNGAN gw dgn mereka............... Hehehehehehe di sini gw mungkin ga bisa BERSABAR.................. gw srg lepas kontrol dgn EMOSI.............. Tapi itu jg liat dari sedekat apa HUB gw dgn dia.......... Sedalam apa emosi yg gw taruh dlm HUb itu dgn dia ................. Walau cuma TEMAN, tapi klo teman dekat bngt.......... MEreka pasti mesti trima, klo gw itu mang srg LEPAS kontrol.............. KARENA... kita kan TEMAN DEKAT BANGET.............
Klo teman dekat kan HARUS bisa saling bagi CERITA dan EMOSI tanpa TAKUT !!!!!!!!!! Ga perlu mikir klo apa yg gw lakuin itu agak .................. Over. Asli KELAKUAN gw mang ANEH...... GILA................ Tapi........ GW suka dengan diri gw sendiri.............
YAng buat keterlaluan itu cuma HAL SEPELE............ DI kertas slip gaji dia NULIS.............. Perusahaan ( pdhal mach............ dia sendiri yg berpendapat begitu) tidak bisa menerima KELAKUAN gw yg tidak baik...................... ( apa yg terjadi?............... GW kan ANAK MAMA yg PLG baik :D.............. Hehehehehehehe)
ASli...................... klo kerja mang gw kan BEBAS... soal nya yg gw kerjaain kan ga bisa di PASANG waktu. GIla apa klo repair mesti di patokin waktu................. lagian Hehehehehe. gw seneng bngt klo kerja sambil denger MUSIC....... udah gitu seneng bngt................... MEmberi pendapat GILA......... yg menurut gw itu WAJAR.................. yg GILA mach.............. ORANG TAIWAN ........ hahahahahahahahahaha..................... HERAN disini kerja paling AMAM itu dgn cara MENJILAT ................ ( gw bukan type PENJILAT............... tapi PENGGIGIT ................ hahahahahaha) .......... Wuichhhhhhhhhh.................
Ntu orang pendidikan jg ga tamat SMA... cuma karena dia rajin bngt ngejilatin BOss , dlm setahun doang jadi MAnajer di t4 gw...................... mana langsung lupa DARATAN lagi......... DI setiap saat dia omong dia mengingatkan kita-kita klo sekarang dia yg berkuasa tuk memeberi perintah ................... Hahahahahaha........ Mpe cape dia omong jg ga bakalan gw DENGER !!!!!!!! .......
Klo masih dongkol bngt ..... asli pengen banget gw JITAK dia di depan staiton ................ bareng ma anak2 nongkrong .......Hahahahahaha.. DENDAM. Btw......... menurut co worker gw... gw itu orang yg PENUH dgn KESABARAN.................. kok bisa-bisa nya gw pengen JITAK ntu org?............. Hehehehehe. klo sama KERJAan gw pasti sabar kerjanya................... gimn mo HURRY?.................. yang di kerjaain jg bukan enak kok :))....................... ( Ayo................. coba tebak kerja apa yg enak di kerja kan dengan SABAR? ............. Ngelirik Ir................ PLg kerja dari kantor ,di rumah MASIH KERJA jg ga?).
Tapi klo berurusan dengan MANUSIA dan HUBUNGAN gw dgn mereka............... Hehehehehehe di sini gw mungkin ga bisa BERSABAR.................. gw srg lepas kontrol dgn EMOSI.............. Tapi itu jg liat dari sedekat apa HUB gw dgn dia.......... Sedalam apa emosi yg gw taruh dlm HUb itu dgn dia ................. Walau cuma TEMAN, tapi klo teman dekat bngt.......... MEreka pasti mesti trima, klo gw itu mang srg LEPAS kontrol.............. KARENA... kita kan TEMAN DEKAT BANGET.............
Klo teman dekat kan HARUS bisa saling bagi CERITA dan EMOSI tanpa TAKUT !!!!!!!!!! Ga perlu mikir klo apa yg gw lakuin itu agak .................. Over. Asli KELAKUAN gw mang ANEH...... GILA................ Tapi........ GW suka dengan diri gw sendiri.............
March 18, 2007
About you
Remember when we meet?
You stand right there and i cant get close to you
Coz im too see you closely
DO you know that day.........
When im stand behind you......
I do want to huge and get my head on your back
Do you know when i kiss you.........
I WANT it more longer than a second
After we meet that day........
I do keep think about you
Still have picture of your smile ,
feel how sweet the kiss you have give to me
Hi............. Big guy
Thank's for appear for me
Sam.......... i call you Big Guy...........hope you dont mind for that..but realy Thank'z for the Feeling you give to me. Hope you have a nice day's
You stand right there and i cant get close to you
Coz im too see you closely
DO you know that day.........
When im stand behind you......
I do want to huge and get my head on your back
Do you know when i kiss you.........
I WANT it more longer than a second
After we meet that day........
I do keep think about you
Still have picture of your smile ,
feel how sweet the kiss you have give to me
Hi............. Big guy
Thank's for appear for me
Sam.......... i call you Big Guy...........hope you dont mind for that..but realy Thank'z for the Feeling you give to me. Hope you have a nice day's
February 22, 2007
February 19, 2007
February 18, 2007
February 05, 2007
To Love You
Whenever life seems to drift you away from me, I can't help but cry. You've grown to be such a part of me that without you life is no more than a desperate sigh. They do say love comes and goes, and to that I disagree. So, here's my hand, take it and don't let go of me
I chose to love you in silence, for in silence I find no rejection. I chose to love you in your loneliness, for in your loneliness no one owns you, but me
In the silence........ of my life..... i hear your voice to call me be your love. In the dark of my night.... you come to me and bring me the light
You..... full my loneliness with the mean of love......... I dont want be your number one............ let me be your last one
the last one you love and will forever, Please................. let me beg you...... let me be your last one. I will care for you........ love you......... spoiled you...............make you laugh but ..................never let you Cry
if you cry for me.......... i will be the happiest one.......... i will not let you cry for me........... i will never let you see i leave you coz when i leave you....................... i will hurt too so............. please........ Dear........ be with me,and let me be the last one for you
February 03, 2007
When i Found You
To look deep into my soul
And understand the depth of my love
You would need a special eye
Or divine intervention from above.
I know that I love you
I know that I'll never go astray
I know that I love waking up to you
Just being near you each day!
If I had been here before
It would be easier for me to do
But I had not been truly in love
Until that special day that I found you.
I'm sorry that I take you THERE
And I push you to the limit
It's just that I need to know
If your heart is really in it!
I'm going to trust what you've said
And let love grow and just be
Just please don't stop being you
Cause I'm working on being a better me.
In the end there will be two
Who stood the test of time
My heart will still belong to you
And I pray that yours will still be me
My LOve My Wife
When you smile
You make my world so bright
And everything we do
Just feels so right
With every breath I take
I think of you
I want to spend my lifetime
Loving you
Each time I close my eyes
It's you I see
And I believe that
You're my destiny
In you I found myOther half
It's amazing how you
Make me laugh
And when I need a friend
And when I need a friend
You're always there
All the things you do
Shows how much you care
The way you hold me
The way you hold me
When I'm feeling blue
Don't know how you do
The things you do
A simple touch from you
A simple touch from you
Can ease my pain
What I feel for you
I can't explain
Through good and bad
Through good and bad
You're held my hand
And now I know
You'll always understand
I never knew what love
I never knew what love
Was all about
But in you I found
My love no doubt
:: Thanks
:: Thanks
Prove of my love
if i die before you do
i'll go to heaven and wait for you
if your not there by judgement day
i'll know you went the other way
so i'll give the angel's back there wing's
and risk the loss of everything
just to prove my love is true
i'll go to hell to be with you
My valentine
My Valentine
You mean the world to me
My Valentine
My Valentine
you are the air that I breath
My Valentine
My Valentine
you are the blood that keeps me alive
I love you now and forever
I love you now and forever
more as you read between each short line
you will know and feel the love that you know
that lives in my heartwrap itself around your
romantic soul the love that belongs to you forever more
My Love, My Valentine
My Love, My Valentine
February 02, 2007
Hope you know
Did you have my message
I send it this morning
In the air i breath i have know
That i life for loving you
In the dark night i have know
That i will bring the light for you
In my dream i have know
That you was real in here for love me too
January 30, 2007
Guy from future
Hey......... You
ya..........You a guy from future
Come from the place i never know
telling that how he love me so
Did we meet before? i quest so
have we know each other? i hope so
You a guy from future
come to write a story about love
You ...... a guy i never meet,but
you was a guy say never leave me
Hi.......... Nice to meet you stranger
hope we can talk about love
Write about life
You a guy from future
You , me ...... we
We must been meet before
meet in some place name DREAM
We have a same dream
Dream to spend all life with the love one
nice to meet you again
You a guy from future
ya..........You a guy from future
Come from the place i never know
telling that how he love me so
Did we meet before? i quest so
have we know each other? i hope so
You a guy from future
come to write a story about love
You ...... a guy i never meet,but
you was a guy say never leave me
Hi.......... Nice to meet you stranger
hope we can talk about love
Write about life
You a guy from future
You , me ...... we
We must been meet before
meet in some place name DREAM
We have a same dream
Dream to spend all life with the love one
nice to meet you again
You a guy from future
January 20, 2007
Angel Smile
Hello how are you?..
you really look like an angel it will shine through the laughter and brave through the tears.
i will live through the good and bad.......and remind us each day of the blessings we are in a distance now but remaine in my soul......left of thoughts of you my heart remaines whole....
my emotion burns out of heart tells me to go my mind say it is not to thought come and go but always of you..... there is a time for every love......
our time is not now in the years to come i will....wonder how our love would have grow...if only given the chance....
tulisan baru?.......... bukan ini copy dari EMAIL yg di krm ke gw :D. masih tetap merasa MALAS dan BOSAN :D. Ada postingan yg baru tapi baru nulis setengah coang ceritanya. tunggu da MOOD lagi baru disambung.
you really look like an angel it will shine through the laughter and brave through the tears.
i will live through the good and bad.......and remind us each day of the blessings we are in a distance now but remaine in my soul......left of thoughts of you my heart remaines whole....
my emotion burns out of heart tells me to go my mind say it is not to thought come and go but always of you..... there is a time for every love......
our time is not now in the years to come i will....wonder how our love would have grow...if only given the chance....
tulisan baru?.......... bukan ini copy dari EMAIL yg di krm ke gw :D. masih tetap merasa MALAS dan BOSAN :D. Ada postingan yg baru tapi baru nulis setengah coang ceritanya. tunggu da MOOD lagi baru disambung.
January 15, 2007
Wuich............ seminggu lewat sudah......... sekarang hari SENIN lagi.............
Lama sekali hari yg harus di lewati...................
Males tuk apa saja :D........... makan males ,makanan nya ga da yg istimewa. Baca buku?....... ga da buku bagus tuk di baca. NONTON TV?.............. ga da acara TV yg bagus . NOnton FIlm di bioskop?........... gi males jalan ke kota.
Lama sekali hari yg harus di lewati...................
Males tuk apa saja :D........... makan males ,makanan nya ga da yg istimewa. Baca buku?....... ga da buku bagus tuk di baca. NONTON TV?.............. ga da acara TV yg bagus . NOnton FIlm di bioskop?........... gi males jalan ke kota.
January 13, 2007
Cinta......... aku mencari mu
cinta......... kemana kau berlalu
Cinta.. datanglah ke peluk ku
bersama mu ku tak pernah ragu
Disaat yang berlalu
kau berpaling dari ku
Aku selalu menunggu mu
percaya akan hadirmu
January 06, 2007
Help me........
Fridays night at 5 JAnuary about at 21.15PM..... just back from working and ready in front of my FAvo BOX........... ready to search,read,listen and bored . What a............. Days.....
Ready get off from there, Tibi come right to have chat.......
" hi......... have a time or me?"
" Ya.........."
" I need talk to some one right now "
" So........... talk to me, we friend"
" You know.......... we all come from outland "
" Ya.............. you , me and other , what happened?.......... having trouble with local people?"
" Some thing like that......."
" May be i can HELP ............ tell me"
" I have relationship with a girl from here,you know that . Right now......... i have a big trouble with her"
" Hm..................... tell me"
Wuich..................... problem with HONEY..... what can i do?......... I LIKE be in lOVE too.
" May i ask you a question. it's maybe not to polite for you"
" Ask me............... "
" You a mother for your 3 kids.......... what can make you giveup for them"
" Crazy............ i will NOT GIVEUP them for anythings. They all my life ........ "
" Here the problem..... 'CARRIE' My girlfriend.... She have 2 kids too .... and i have 2 boys too from my first married. My boy stay with their mothers "
" Good............. so what a problem?"
"Problem is............. I CANT have trust in her " CARRIE" . She to selfish.......... She giveup for the kids. What kind a mother is SHE"
" Hey............. its not easy to raise up a kids alone "
" And she realy let me crazy........... i CANT HAVE my life going like this...... She have two personality..... Some time good ,some time doing BAD things"
" Hey....... every one have a good side and dark side too"
" She............. get suicide for several time........ and get pregnant , I CANT MARRIED with one who i cant TRUST"
" Did you tell her........ that she CANT have anything from you?"
" I did.............. but she doing some crazy thing"
"May i know.............. why you still with her until today?...."
" I NEED doing that thing's. Dont say you dont know what i mean . I need the SAFE one......... i cant get doing that by BUy it from street. I get vomit when i looking a WHORE......... I CANT "
" What a nice to hear you need her for doing SEX "
" No............. i love her too..... but i cant stand any more for her habit"
" Try tell her ..........tell her when she doing a BAD thing, if you realy love her"
" I do.......... i telling her for this 2 years, and SHE still like this . What should i do?....... i want run away from her. please........... help me "
" right now........ you still have live togethers or ?"
" We separate now........... but she always infront of my place everyday wait for me "
Wuich.......... di musim dingin begini............. Nongkrong semalaman........... GILA.............. ga bakalan yach klo gw mach......... huahahahahahaha.... SADIS nech CE.. SETIA banget ( lom tentu yach )
Seperti nya semua yang di kenal menderita yach karena CINTA. Orang tua ku menderita karena cinta pula. KECINTAAN nya pada anak-anak nya membuat mereka menderita. Heran........... kenapa ada CINTA?
SEmua perlu bantuan dalam hidup CINTA mereka.......... terlalu BUTA kah? atau karena itu bukan hal NYATA yg dapat di lihat mata?
Ready get off from there, Tibi come right to have chat.......
" hi......... have a time or me?"
" Ya.........."
" I need talk to some one right now "
" So........... talk to me, we friend"
" You know.......... we all come from outland "
" Ya.............. you , me and other , what happened?.......... having trouble with local people?"
" Some thing like that......."
" May be i can HELP ............ tell me"
" I have relationship with a girl from here,you know that . Right now......... i have a big trouble with her"
" Hm..................... tell me"
Wuich..................... problem with HONEY..... what can i do?......... I LIKE be in lOVE too.
" May i ask you a question. it's maybe not to polite for you"
" Ask me............... "
" You a mother for your 3 kids.......... what can make you giveup for them"
" Crazy............ i will NOT GIVEUP them for anythings. They all my life ........ "
" Here the problem..... 'CARRIE' My girlfriend.... She have 2 kids too .... and i have 2 boys too from my first married. My boy stay with their mothers "
" Good............. so what a problem?"
"Problem is............. I CANT have trust in her " CARRIE" . She to selfish.......... She giveup for the kids. What kind a mother is SHE"
" Hey............. its not easy to raise up a kids alone "
" And she realy let me crazy........... i CANT HAVE my life going like this...... She have two personality..... Some time good ,some time doing BAD things"
" Hey....... every one have a good side and dark side too"
" She............. get suicide for several time........ and get pregnant , I CANT MARRIED with one who i cant TRUST"
" Did you tell her........ that she CANT have anything from you?"
" I did.............. but she doing some crazy thing"
"May i know.............. why you still with her until today?...."
" I NEED doing that thing's. Dont say you dont know what i mean . I need the SAFE one......... i cant get doing that by BUy it from street. I get vomit when i looking a WHORE......... I CANT "
" What a nice to hear you need her for doing SEX "
" No............. i love her too..... but i cant stand any more for her habit"
" Try tell her ..........tell her when she doing a BAD thing, if you realy love her"
" I do.......... i telling her for this 2 years, and SHE still like this . What should i do?....... i want run away from her. please........... help me "
" right now........ you still have live togethers or ?"
" We separate now........... but she always infront of my place everyday wait for me "
Wuich.......... di musim dingin begini............. Nongkrong semalaman........... GILA.............. ga bakalan yach klo gw mach......... huahahahahahaha.... SADIS nech CE.. SETIA banget ( lom tentu yach )
Seperti nya semua yang di kenal menderita yach karena CINTA. Orang tua ku menderita karena cinta pula. KECINTAAN nya pada anak-anak nya membuat mereka menderita. Heran........... kenapa ada CINTA?
SEmua perlu bantuan dalam hidup CINTA mereka.......... terlalu BUTA kah? atau karena itu bukan hal NYATA yg dapat di lihat mata?
January 05, 2007
Jangan Ganggu aku
Siang dingin ini sedang berlalu dengan ditemani sepi. JAm tangan menunjuk pukul 12.34 ,sedang jam makan siang . " Ding DONG !!!!!!!!!!" ada yang mengirim messg .
'Hi............... what are you doing now?"
" do you like the song i send for you?"
" ya.......... I like it , i hera it every day . Thx for it "
Lalu terdiam sejenak............
" i must go now............." this what HE say
" OK.......... you seem to bussy to have chat with me"
" i go to have eat my dinner "
" Oh............. ok.......... dont let it wait for you"
" DONT BOTHER me...... or i will not have chat again with you"
DAmm.................. its me bothering you?............ i just eat my LUNCH and you have send hi to me. I got it now.............. why every one say..... when you eating. you the KING!!!!!!!!
Next time............. NO CHAT at LUNCH
Mana mungkin.................. kalian kan beda jam dengan ku disini......... aku malam kamu siang. JAdi........... STAY ON at LUNCH time
Persetan dengan kata-kata........." JANGAN GANGGU AKU ATAU AKU AKAN MENINGGALKAN MU " we only have chat in here...........
'Hi............... what are you doing now?"
" do you like the song i send for you?"
" ya.......... I like it , i hera it every day . Thx for it "
Lalu terdiam sejenak............
" i must go now............." this what HE say
" OK.......... you seem to bussy to have chat with me"
" i go to have eat my dinner "
" Oh............. ok.......... dont let it wait for you"
" DONT BOTHER me...... or i will not have chat again with you"
DAmm.................. its me bothering you?............ i just eat my LUNCH and you have send hi to me. I got it now.............. why every one say..... when you eating. you the KING!!!!!!!!
Next time............. NO CHAT at LUNCH
Mana mungkin.................. kalian kan beda jam dengan ku disini......... aku malam kamu siang. JAdi........... STAY ON at LUNCH time
Persetan dengan kata-kata........." JANGAN GANGGU AKU ATAU AKU AKAN MENINGGALKAN MU " we only have chat in here...........
January 04, 2007
KEtike bercerita..........
Kemarin lusa jam 9 pagi telepon berdering. " Hey......... what's going on there, are you OK?" tidak di sangka mendapat balasan email melalui telepon." I be in your city tomorrow for meeting so we can meet at afternoon" Setahun berjalan tanpa di duga kamu hendak datang ke kota ku tinggal.
Keesokan pagi nya............
Ku kirim SMS balasan dengan isi " Dear......... i got my period this morning " entah kenapa............ mengirim berita seperti itu. 5 menit kemudian telepon berdering......................
" Dear, you send a messg for me?"
" Ya.........."
" You say you got your period right?"
" It's sound like we meet just only for SEX "
" Just want let you know i got my period "
" Good news !!!!!!!! Its mean you dont get pregnant "
" Ya................ I'm not pregnant , I call you at lunch ok? a little bussy now"
" Ok....... call me"
Sore hari sekitar pukul 4, ku telepon dia kembali seperti yang ku janjikan.
" Evening.............. you in office or at home?"
" At home now.......... not go to office , raining in here start from morning "
Sejak pertama kenal sampai hari ini tak pernah ku tanya di mana kau bekerja .Yang ku tahu kamu seorang LELAKI dengan senyum manis mu yang menemani ku melewati hari sabtu siang ku . Kau LELAKI yang penuh dengan JAWABAN akan semua pertanyaan ku.
" WHere are you when its christmas and new years ?"
" im in here not go any where "
" dont you go back to Italy for christmas?.... you told me when we meet after i back from Jakarta"
" Ya............ i do go back to Italy for a few days and when i back im must go to HK . My office want me go to HK for new years eve just that "
" I call your number but you change it ,right?"
" Sorry for that......... I lose my phone again "
" Again ?............... Its sound you not want see me again "
" Hey......... i call you when i got your email "
" Ya.............. i send it coz missed you here and your number not working"
Sebenar nya............ ketika kamu kembali di awal minggu sebelum NATAL, kamu ada menelepon ku untuk bertemu tapi telepon itu tak kujawab ,entah mengapa.Dan ku kirim berita pemberithuan bahwa aku tak berada di kota tetapi sudah kembali lagi ke JAKARTA........... Aneh .
Keesokan pagi nya............
Ku kirim SMS balasan dengan isi " Dear......... i got my period this morning " entah kenapa............ mengirim berita seperti itu. 5 menit kemudian telepon berdering......................
" Dear, you send a messg for me?"
" Ya.........."
" You say you got your period right?"
" It's sound like we meet just only for SEX "
" Just want let you know i got my period "
" Good news !!!!!!!! Its mean you dont get pregnant "
" Ya................ I'm not pregnant , I call you at lunch ok? a little bussy now"
" Ok....... call me"
Sore hari sekitar pukul 4, ku telepon dia kembali seperti yang ku janjikan.
" Evening.............. you in office or at home?"
" At home now.......... not go to office , raining in here start from morning "
Sejak pertama kenal sampai hari ini tak pernah ku tanya di mana kau bekerja .Yang ku tahu kamu seorang LELAKI dengan senyum manis mu yang menemani ku melewati hari sabtu siang ku . Kau LELAKI yang penuh dengan JAWABAN akan semua pertanyaan ku.
" WHere are you when its christmas and new years ?"
" im in here not go any where "
" dont you go back to Italy for christmas?.... you told me when we meet after i back from Jakarta"
" Ya............ i do go back to Italy for a few days and when i back im must go to HK . My office want me go to HK for new years eve just that "
" I call your number but you change it ,right?"
" Sorry for that......... I lose my phone again "
" Again ?............... Its sound you not want see me again "
" Hey......... i call you when i got your email "
" Ya.............. i send it coz missed you here and your number not working"
Sebenar nya............ ketika kamu kembali di awal minggu sebelum NATAL, kamu ada menelepon ku untuk bertemu tapi telepon itu tak kujawab ,entah mengapa.Dan ku kirim berita pemberithuan bahwa aku tak berada di kota tetapi sudah kembali lagi ke JAKARTA........... Aneh .
January 01, 2007
New dream in a new years
It's the first days in new years........... and i have new begining with My Love. I found the him at last.......... i hope he will be mine. Like i know my self better than others....... im easy to fall in love. I must prepare to felt in BLUE again if we ............end up the story.
IN this new years............... i HOPE ..........all of us have around by LOVE and CARE.
So................... HAppy new year............ get start new DREAM........... get be the best one in they and your life. DONT EVER NEVER GIVE UP for what you dream on............ GET IT and NEVER LOSE it.........
Happy New Year All ..............
IN this new years............... i HOPE ..........all of us have around by LOVE and CARE.
So................... HAppy new year............ get start new DREAM........... get be the best one in they and your life. DONT EVER NEVER GIVE UP for what you dream on............ GET IT and NEVER LOSE it.........
Happy New Year All ..............
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