January 05, 2007

Jangan Ganggu aku

Siang dingin ini sedang berlalu dengan ditemani sepi. JAm tangan menunjuk pukul 12.34 ,sedang jam makan siang . " Ding DONG !!!!!!!!!!" ada yang mengirim messg .

'Hi............... what are you doing now?"
" do you like the song i send for you?"
" ya.......... I like it , i hera it every day . Thx for it "

Lalu terdiam sejenak............

" i must go now............." this what HE say
" OK.......... you seem to bussy to have chat with me"
" i go to have eat my dinner "
" Oh............. ok.......... dont let it wait for you"
" DONT BOTHER me...... or i will not have chat again with you"

DAmm.................. its me bothering you?............ i just eat my LUNCH and you have send hi to me. I got it now.............. why every one say..... when you eating. you the KING!!!!!!!!

Next time............. NO CHAT at LUNCH

Mana mungkin.................. kalian kan beda jam dengan ku disini......... aku malam kamu siang. JAdi........... STAY ON at LUNCH time

Persetan dengan kata-kata........." JANGAN GANGGU AKU ATAU AKU AKAN MENINGGALKAN MU " we only have chat in here...........

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