December 05, 2008


Setahun berlalu..........
Tak ada kata yg berarti dalam keseharian ku

Hanya ada ....................
KAmu, kamu dan kamu......................
Kalian.................... anak-anak ku

Tahun yg lalu, ganti yg baru.............
Buat harapan baru...........

Pejam mata.........
Meminta sedekah.............

Sedekah dari yang KUASA................
Sedekah KASih dari Nya

SEmoga di tahun yang akan datang,
Semua keinginan jadi kenyataan..............

April 04, 2008

I Love You

I love you、
say we're together baby、
you and me...

I can only give my life and show you all I am
in the breath I breatheI will promise you my heart and give you all you need
if it takes some time
If you tell me you dont need me anymore
that our love wont last forever
I will ask you for a chance to try again、to make our life a little better、

I love you、
say we're together baby、
say we're together、
I need you、
I need you forever baby、
you and me

You say you hardly know exactly who I am
so hard to understand I knew right from the start、
the way I felt inside、
if you read my mind If you tell you dont need me anymore
that our love wont last forever
I will ask you for a chance to try again、
to make our love a little better,

I love you、
say we're together baby、
say we're together、
I need you、
I need you forever baby、
you and me

Remember when you used to hold me、
remember when you made me cry
You said you loved me、
you did、yes you did

I love you、
say we're together baby、
say we're together、
I need you、
I need you forever baby、
you and me

February 16, 2008

Be my valentine

Be my Valentine, my love

As I will be for you

And we will love the whole day long,

And love our whole lives through

For love have no parameters

And dose not end with time

But is the gift of paradise

A pinch of the sublime

So let us take this holiday

To resubmit our love

To those within that know no sin

And with the angels move.

And I am here close to valentine day

I will be down in my knee

And say it to you not one time

Hundred, thousand then more time

I love you, and be my valentine

And let us tease the sweet of love

And feel it on the day

and make it on the night

be my valentine, my love

February 03, 2008

kumpul bareng di awal tahun

Hampir setahun ini jarang keluar bareng sama orang kantor . Kemarin pagi kita semua rencana mo bakar2 ma ke kebon sayur.Ini hasil jepret2 di kebun sayur dan kebun strauberry.

Fran dgn tomat nya

Anna yg suka ngambek

Flo, Kay, Angel, Khana and her boy

Buah straubery

Abang no 2, Mrs Lee and MIss Lee

MY Josh

January 22, 2008

Should I

I should CRY when I remember you
No, coz I remember every single laugh we make together

I should be SAD when I remember you
No, coz I remember every single happy moment we spend it together

I should ANGRY when I remember you go far way
No, coz I know it’s your chose and you are happy there

I should JEALOUS when I remember you are with another
No, coz I sure he will not give love for you more then I

I should WAIT you to come back to me
No, coz the life still going on and time not wait

I am broken heart now, but one day my heart will be fine
And your memories will be from the past.
And I will keep it nice past with out any annoyance Like any old archive remember it when I need some thing form it
You memories will be same and will have over it more and more Dust, Rust and it will disappear

January 18, 2008

Lama tak di sentuh

Lelap ku dalam hari yang berlalu
Tak terasa waktu setahun berlalu
Apa yang terjadi ?
Hening ,menyepi
Waktu yang berlalu ,
banyak tanya yang tak terjawab dari cerita ku
Jawab akan kebodohanku?
jawab akan keegoisan ku?
Lama ga bercerita di sini, rasanya ga da cerita yang bisa di ceritakan......................... tiap hari lewat sepertinya sudah di plan sejak tahun yang lalu. Heran............... banyak yang bertanya,Apa sech yang buat kau jadi MALAS ?
Apa yach? Ga tau juga................ SIBUK ? itu cuma alasan saja.................. Tiap hari juga bisa ketik2 klo mau . CUma saja....................... benar ga tau mo cerita tentang apa. Cerita tentang DUNIA?................ CERITA DUNIA sudah ada di layar TV, cerita tentang CInta? banyak NOVEL dan telenovela.
Heran.......................... bertambah hari bertambah banyak KEDIAMAN yang terjadi. JADi malas BERCINTA, jadi tak ada CERITA.
BIcara tentang CINTA.................
jadi ada RINDU.....................
CINTA ku ada di indonesia
LAMA tak menjenguk buah CINTA.......................
Peluk cium dari jauh