Fridays night at 5 JAnuary about at 21.15PM..... just back from working and ready in front of my FAvo BOX........... ready to search,read,listen and bored . What a............. Days.....
Ready get off from there, Tibi come right to have chat.......
" hi......... have a time or me?"
" Ya.........."
" I need talk to some one right now "
" So........... talk to me, we friend"
" You know.......... we all come from outland "
" Ya.............. you , me and other , what happened?.......... having trouble with local people?"
" Some thing like that......."
" May be i can HELP ............ tell me"
" I have relationship with a girl from here,you know that . Right now......... i have a big trouble with her"
" Hm..................... tell me"
Wuich..................... problem with HONEY..... what can i do?......... I LIKE be in lOVE too.
" May i ask you a question. it's maybe not to polite for you"
" Ask me............... "
" You a mother for your 3 kids.......... what can make you giveup for them"
" Crazy............ i will NOT GIVEUP them for anythings. They all my life ........ "
" Here the problem..... 'CARRIE' My girlfriend.... She have 2 kids too .... and i have 2 boys too from my first married. My boy stay with their mothers "
" Good............. so what a problem?"
"Problem is............. I CANT have trust in her " CARRIE" . She to selfish.......... She giveup for the kids. What kind a mother is SHE"
" Hey............. its not easy to raise up a kids alone "
" And she realy let me crazy........... i CANT HAVE my life going like this...... She have two personality..... Some time good ,some time doing BAD things"
" Hey....... every one have a good side and dark side too"
" She............. get suicide for several time........ and get pregnant , I CANT MARRIED with one who i cant TRUST"
" Did you tell her........ that she CANT have anything from you?"
" I did.............. but she doing some crazy thing"
"May i know.............. why you still with her until today?...."
" I NEED doing that thing's. Dont say you dont know what i mean . I need the SAFE one......... i cant get doing that by BUy it from street. I get vomit when i looking a WHORE......... I CANT "
" What a nice to hear you need her for doing SEX "
" No............. i love her too..... but i cant stand any more for her habit"
" Try tell her ..........tell her when she doing a BAD thing, if you realy love her"
" I do.......... i telling her for this 2 years, and SHE still like this . What should i do?....... i want run away from her. please........... help me "
" right now........ you still have live togethers or ?"
" We separate now........... but she always infront of my place everyday wait for me "
Wuich.......... di musim dingin begini............. Nongkrong semalaman........... GILA.............. ga bakalan yach klo gw mach......... huahahahahahaha.... SADIS nech CE.. SETIA banget ( lom tentu yach )
Seperti nya semua yang di kenal menderita yach karena CINTA. Orang tua ku menderita karena cinta pula. KECINTAAN nya pada anak-anak nya membuat mereka menderita. Heran........... kenapa ada CINTA?
SEmua perlu bantuan dalam hidup CINTA mereka.......... terlalu BUTA kah? atau karena itu bukan hal NYATA yg dapat di lihat mata?