I should CRY when I remember you
No, coz I remember every single laugh we make together
I should be SAD when I remember you
No, coz I remember every single happy moment we spend it together
I should ANGRY when I remember you go far way
No, coz I know it’s your chose and you are happy there
I should JEALOUS when I remember you are with another
No, coz I sure he will not give love for you more then I
I should WAIT you to come back to me
No, coz the life still going on and time not wait
I am broken heart now, but one day my heart will be fine
And your memories will be from the past.
And I will keep it nice past with out any annoyance Like any old archive remember it when I need some thing form it
You memories will be same and will have over it more and more Dust, Rust and it will disappear