April 28, 2007


Why are these tears in your eyes, my child?
How horrid of them to be always scloding you for nothing?
YOu have stained your finger and face with ink while writting-
is that why they call you dirty?
O, fie! WOuld they dare to call the full moon dorty becaouse is has smudged its face with ink?
FOr every little trifle they blame you, my child.
They are ready to find fault for nothing.
YOu tore your clothes while playing-
is that why they call you untidy?
O,fie! What would they call an auntumn morning that smiles through its ragged clouds?
Take no heed of what they say to you,my child.
They make a long list of your misdeeds
Every onr know how you love sweet things-
is that why they call you greddy?
O,fie! What then would they call US WHO LOVE YOU?
The Crescent Moon By Rabindranath TAgore

April 21, 2007


Beberapa hari ini... ada sebuah arti baru dalam keseharian gw. Arti seorang TEMAn, yang baru di kenal belum lama ini. Teman gw satu ini.......... dewasa bngt............. TUA malah iya ............Hehehehehe. Enak di ajak bicara, bagi erita ato apa gitu. Dan waktu gw pikir............ NI orang kejam bngt ........... SENANG SIRAM AIR DINGIN...........

Di minggu yang lalu. dia HILANG tanpa KABAR........... gw SMS ga di balas, di tlp ga di angkat. Akhir nya dia tlp balik, dan ngasih kabar klo dia da di rumah sakit. GW pikir. maklum udah TUA pasti gampang kena FLU ( maklum cuaca srng bikin pusing kepala ntar panas ntar dingin, Akhir NYA jadi PANAS DINGIN beneran.... hahahahahahaha).

DIa ngasih kabar yg buat gw ga bisa makan dan tidur enak selama seminggu ini . DIa kena KANKER USUS. Yang benar aja... orang dia rajin makan sayuran gitu kok bisa kena kanker usus? LAh gw gimn ?............. ( ga suka makan sayur......... penggemar DAGING)

Sejak dia bilang gitu.. gw ikutan pusing, krn kan dokter cuma bilang SEPERTI NYA KANKER USUS. Perlu test lbh akurat untuk kepastian nya. Dan semingu ini dia di hospital cuma tuk tau klo itu bnr kaner ato bukan. HASIL nya turun kemarin sore............ POSITIF.............

MANA MUNGKIN..................

Karena dia, gw ikutan PANIK dgn KESEHATAN gw sendiri................. TAKUT BNGT KLO TERNYATA GW PUNYA BNYK PENYAKIT. Bayangin aja udah seram............. pa lagi klo bnran gw jg da SAKIT.................

GIMN klo aku SAKIT dan MATI?

JAdi ingat lagu nya UNGU...........
ANDAI ku tahu................. akan tiba ajal ku
KU akan memohon. TUHAN tolong panjangkan UMUR ku


April 15, 2007

The Gift

IWANT to give you something my child,for we
are drifting in the stream of the world.

Our lives will be carried apart, and our love forgotten.

BUt i am not so foolish as to hope that i could buy
your heart with my gifts.

Young is your life, your path long, and you drink the love we bring you at one draught and turn and run away from us.

You have your play and your playmates. What
harm is there if you have no time or thought for us.

We. indeed, have leisure enough in old age to count the days that are past, to cherish in our hearts what our hands have lost for ever.

The river runs swift with a song breaking through all barries. but the mountain stays and remembers, and follows her with his love

di ketik ulang dari buku THE CRESCENT MOON byRabindranath Tagore.
gi asik sama buku bacaan baru :)) gw pikir ini enak tuk di bagi-bagi ............ masih banyak prase yg bagus2 tuk gw ketik ulang disini :D..............

April 03, 2007


Apa yach sebenar nya yang di perlukan dalam mengambil tindakan? MEmandang masalah itu dari sudut pandang kita atau dari sudut pandang orang lain? Untuk menuntaskan dan mengambil tindakan seperti nya kita mengulur-ulur waktu............. tanpa tahu kapan harus di akhiri. walau tahu akan jawaban nya............. yg pasti. kedua belah pihak akan SAKIT HATI.